====== CLUSTER MANUAL ====== ====== Softwares on psychp01 ====== Psychp01 is a Linux based platform and has a variety of softwares installed on it. The software suite installed on the cluster is continuously evolving according to user needs and requirements. If an user needs a particular software for a study, the user is encouraged to get in touch with the IT team or Gabriele Bellucci at the earliest convenience. They will run a feasibility analysis and install the required software as soon as possible. Following is a list of available software on the cluster at the moment: * **MATLAB R2023a** (/usr/local/apps/MATLAB) * **GNU Octave 6.2.0** (/usr/share/octave) * **Python 2.7** (/usr/bin/python2) * **Python 3.11** (/usr/bin/python3) * **SPM12** (/usr/local/apps/SPM) * **FSl 6.0.7** (/usr/local/apps/fsl_6.0.7) * **R 4.0.4** (/usr/bin/R) * **mTRF** (/usr/local/apps/mTRF) * **Anatomy toolbox** (/usr/local/apps/anatomy) * **Fieldtrip** (/usr/local/apps/fieldtrip) * **EEG lab** (/usr/local/apps/eeglab) * **pyfMRI Quality Control package** (/usr/local/apps/pyfMRIqc) * **ASHS: Automatic Segmentation of Hippocampal Subfields package** (/usr/local/apps/ashs) [[{:backward_arrow.png?40|width: 12em}cluster-batch|Bash files and Batch system]][[{:forward_arrow.png?40|width: 12em}cluster-advanced_slurm|Advanced SLURM]]\\ [[{:toc.png?40|width: 12em}cluster-toc|Return to Table of Contents]][[{:main_page.png?40|width: 12em}cluster-guide|Return to main page]] ~~DISCUSSION|Discussion~~