Table of Contents
Welcome to the CUBIC Wiki
The CUBIC wiki hosts a wealth of information to help you design, run, analyse and share your MRI experiments. General information on the centre can be found on the CUBIC website.
This wiki is a shared resource for knowledge exchange which all registered users can contribute to (and indeed are strongly encouraged to do so). With the exception of policy and procedure documents, users can edit most of the sections below (if you can see a pen icon on the right hand side of the page, it means you have permission to modify that page).
Wikis rely on users to keep up to date - if you note something is incorrect or has changed, please add a note to the relevant section below. Equally, if you have expertise or knowledge about particular procedures, equipment, or practices, please share them with others here!
Important updates (e.g., changes in procedures) or error reports should be added to Important updates page, as well as to the relevant section below (where applicable).
The Wiki is still under construction, so many sections will be incomplete or non-existent; please bear with us and feel free to contribute!
Please note that the subscription function for forums and updates is not yet working (due to Microsoft's email service classifying wiki emails as spoofing - Central IT is working on a fix).
Please report any issues or errors with the wiki to
Find out more about how to use and update the wiki here.
CUBIC community
Facilities and sequences
How to start a new study
Compulsory procedure
Training and safety
Basic MRI procedures
- Non-RHUL users: please consult your CUBIC representative for information on how to book
Participant procedures
- Public data sharing
Under construction
- Sharing brain images with participants
Under construction
- Participant parking bays
Under construction
Computing and analysis resources
- Linux survival guide
Under construction